Sunday, July 17, 2011

Underground Railroad Museum

The Underground Railroad wasn't actually a railroad. Runaway slaves would be guided by people called "conductors". They would help the runaways from one safe house to another. Some escaped slaves returned to help their families get away. Some even became soldiers for the Union Army during the Civil War. Harriett Tubman went back and helped people who were strangers to her. There was a man named Henry "Box" Brown who escaped in a box like the one in the picture below. We got to go into one of the slave jails from 200 years ago. There were two floors. The men were on the top floor and the women were kept below on the first floor. It was hard to know that I was in the same place where so many people had been treat badly just because of the color of their skin.

1 comment:

  1. Kelsey, these are wonderful. I love your pictures. You are doing a great job!
